Sunday, January 8, 2012

Commitment and Continuity

The question isn't "What's your New Year's Resolution?" The question IS "How are you going to succeed with those new goals?" Healthy goals, or Wellness goals, whatever you want to call them, always seem to be really important when January rolls around. But we run out of steam around March. It's not because we don't want our new healthy lifestyle, it's just because we really don't know how to keep the momentum going and what seemed like a good idea in January, now doesn't look so good, for whatever reasons. Sound familiar?

We all know that eating healthy and getting exercise is important. But what we forget is that to truely embrace a new idea , such as a New Year's resolution, we have to understand what the commitment entails. Did you know that it takes about 21 days for our brains to replace a bad habit with a new one? Here are a few questions that deserve some thought before you enter the commitment zone:

1. Why do I want to do this? Why is this important to me? What's the pay off?
2. Do I have the resources to accomplish this? Do I have access to resources to help me?
3. What type of daily/weekly support system is required? Most changes that we embrace require us to have some type of support system at our fingertips, whether it be a Wellness Coach, a gym, a good friend and/or family members.
4. Is this a lifestyle change or a quick fix? Most lifestyle changes require #3....quick fixes are.....well, quick, and don't last.
5. Am I emotionally ready to engage in this? Is this a knee-jerk reaction or a well thought out plan?

Any type of change or commitment deserves continuity. If we want to see any changes or growth in our lives, we must practice it daily...and this goes for any new commitment; whether it's buying a new puppy, painting our bathroom or getting married. They ALL require us to be mindful and stay focused on what's important. We can't eat "healthy" for two weeks and then eat fast food for the next two weeks and wonder why we don't feel well, or wonder where those extra 5 pounds came from. We can't nurture a marriage if we never spend time with our spouse. It just doesn't work that way.

The same goes for us. If we truely decide, in our minds and in our hearts, that we want to make positive life changes - ditch bad habits! - then we must commit to it and never stop commiting to it! It CAN be done! YOU can do it!

I would love to hear about your wellness/lifestyle changes and how you embraced, or are currently embracing!, the Commitment and forged, or forging!, ahead with Continuity. Your story will inspire others!!

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